“Promoting community strength to influence positive growth beyond crisis”
“There are pine trees that require the devastation of fire to trigger release of seeds from their pinecones. New life is a direct product of burning devastation and it sprouts from the literal cinders. This miracle is the figurehead for beginning The Cinder Pines Reciprocity Project.”
McCord Henry
Project Founder

The cycle of destruction opening the gate to life’s emergence is a necessary balance. However, there is a responsibility to limit preventable damage. This was not the case on February 4th, 2022 when violations of Constitutional Rights allowed a brutal act of violence to end Linda Henry’s life at her home and State Licensed Daycare Facility in Benzie County.
The details of how obvious and imminent the danger was are shocking. The loss of Linda’s life is catastrophic and even more terrifying are the very real outcomes if her family’s children had been there that day... if the Cinderpines LLC Daycare had been in session when Jeffery Duane Stratton smashed his murderous way in... Or if Jeffery Duane Stratton had vented his homicidal insanity on the other nearby daycare or the Benzie Central High School which are both within miles of the scene.
The actuality of Linda’s murder and the possible actualities of murderous injury upon our women and children fall squarely on Benzie County and its Law Enforcement Officers. There are documented facts directly linked to events that leave no doubt of the immediate action that was obligatory. Benzie County and its Law Enforcement Officers failed to take action and instead propagated an environment unsuitable for protecting the Women and Children of Benzie County.

Benzie County and its Law Enforcement Officers need to be held accountable for their behavior in creating this reality.
Benzie County and its Law Enforcement Officers must implement systemic changes that rectify the working environment that currently exists within itself.
Michigan State Legislation needs to be implemented that mandates the secure oversight of threatening mental instability in our communities.
Michigan State Legislation needs to be implemented that notifies all enforcement agencies of documented emerging and or existing threats within proximity to Schools and licensed Daycare Facilities.
Michigan State Legislation needs to be implemented that insures individuals like Jeffery Duane Stratton do not re-enter our communities and school zones after documented Law Enforcement incidents and/or psychiatric care indicate violent harm.
These are cornerstones of the Cinder Pines Reciprocity Project’s focus on its formative crisis. We intend to build an organization that implements these changes by giving local community the unity to ensure social health, strength and crisis prevention.

We are continuing to actualize the transformation of the Cinderpines LLC Daycare into a Nonprofit Corporation.
The Cinder Pines Reciprocity Project is expected to grow into an organization that far exceeds the intentional transgressions which allowed brutal acts of violence to murder and violate the Woman and Children of Benzie County.
A Federal Lawsuit has been filed in The United States District Court against Benzie County and it Law Enforcement Officers for violating the Constitutional Rights and Protection of its Citizens.
The best time for change has passed, but the next best time is now. This is a new chapter opening today and telling of the tomorrow that we want.
Please support the Cinder Pines Reciprocity Project by sharing your contacts, leads, stories, ideas support and resources through writing or donating to the Project.